[URGENT] Cyclic codes

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Mon Apr 14 18:22:34 PDT 1997

Anonymous wrote:
> Warning: if you fuck Timmy C[ocksucker] May in the ass, a rabid tapeworm
> might bite your penis.

  This was already discussed extensively on the list in the early days.
It was one of the many threads I started on the subject.
  Those such as Anonymous, Nobody, and others, are merely recent 
interlopers who attempt to take credit for discoveries by the original
list members, such as myself.

  After all, how do you think Rabid Wombat got his name?

Just say "No" to "TruthMangler Inside"
We got tapeworms, we're biting penis's, I know that that ain't allowed.

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