"...markets are fundamentally chaotic, not efficient"? Really?

Kent Crispin kent at songbird.com
Sat Apr 12 23:37:18 PDT 1997

On Sat, Apr 12, 1997 at 04:57:57PM -0400, Robert Hettinga wrote:
> Mr. Crispin?
> Fuck you. With a brick.
> Having watched you for a while, and having determined that you have nothing
> new to add to the discussions here, I have no compunction whatsoever about
> putting you into my killfile.
> With a brick, Mr. Cretin^h^h^h^hispin.
> <Plonk!>
> Cheers,
> Bob Hettinga

Well, you've probably all seen this before, but somehow it seemed 
appropriate for the occasion:

   Pierre, the French fighter pilot, takes his girlfriend, Marie, out
   for a pleasant little picnic by the river Seine.  It's a beautiful
   day and love is in the air so Marie leans over to Pierre and says:
   "Pierre, kiss me!".  So our hero grabs a bottle of red wine and
   passionately splashes it on Marie's lips. 

   "What are you doing, Pierre?" shrieks Marie. 

   "Well, my name is Pierre, the French Fighter Pilot, and when I have
   red meat I like to have red wine!"

   His answer is good enough for Marie and things begin to heat up. 

   So she says: "Pierre, kiss me lower."

   Our hero rips off her blouse, grabs a bottle of white wine and
   starts pouring it all over her breasts. 

   "Pierre, what are you doing?"

   "My name is Pierre, the French Fighter Pilot, and when I have white
   meat, I like to have white wine!"

   They resume their passionate interlude and things really steam up. 

   Marie leans over once more and softly whispers into his ear:
   "Pierre, kiss me lower." Pierre tears off her underwear, grabs a
   bottle of Cognac and sprinkles it all over.  He grabs a match and
   lights it on fire.  Patting the flames out furiously, Marie
   screams: "PIERRE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!?"

   "My name is Pierre, the French Fighter Pilot, and when I go down, I
   go down in flames!"

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
kent at songbird.com			the thief he kindly spoke...
PGP fingerprint:   B1 8B 72 ED 55 21 5E 44  61 F4 58 0F 72 10 65 55

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