Blanc Weber / Positivist Schill

Toto toto at
Mon Apr 7 21:23:16 PDT 1997

Blanc Weber wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> In "Human Action", by Ludwig von Mises, he explains very well how
> nations which restrict their market options create the tensions and
> circumstances which lead to wars between them. 

  All of the good computer gurus I know have degrees in Political
Philosophy, and the like. You must be one of them.

> I was considering, likewise, that the current developing technologies
> might open up people's imagination to so many interesting things to do
> and new ways to get what they are after, creating a sense of
> "possibility", rather than "impossibility", that this would affect their
> outlook on life and their attitude and turn their attention to more
> positive things beyond killing - that is, beyond the idea of achieving
> freedom from certain influences by killing the source of those
> influences.

  Are you part of a cypherpunks list conspiracy to balance my 
cynicism? Are you actually suggesting that there may be a spark
of hope for mankind to prevail in the battle with the forces of
mindless robotic sheepnocity? 

> In the "new world order", those influences would not be so threatening,
> as there would exist ways to route around them.  This could reduce the
> tensions which would otherwise arise, leaving the mind open to more
> productive considerations, freed to think less in terms of destructive
> methodologies.

  You seem to be one of the eternal optimists who can even see
the possible good in AP.
  I suggested in a recent post that perhaps Green Peace could use
the AP system to drain the profit margins of whalers without 
actually causing their death. Of course, I was low on Scotch at
the time, so my idea cannot be taken seriously.
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"

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