Hallam-Baker messes himself.

null at myemail.net null at myemail.net
Fri Apr 4 12:57:24 PST 1997

Hallam-Baker, pissing all over his own train of logic, wrote:

> It is because Bell's scheme is entirely preposterous that Digital
> cash is possible. There is simply no way an AP contract could be
> enforced.
> No country could allow such a betting pool to operate from its soil,
> nor any other such cover.
> I will not only refuse to support Bell, I'll testify against him in
> court if asked.

  What are you going to testify to?
  To Bell's scheme not being a threat to anybody because it would
never work?  That it is nothing more than a theoretical exercise
which does not present a danger to a single soul? That it is 
preposterous of the government to prosecute someone on the basis
of a pie-in-the-sky, preposterous idea?

  I'm certain the government is anxiously awaiting your testimony,
as well as that of a number of others on the list who seem to think
that Jim Bell is such a powerful and evil force that his mere 
thoughts and speculations are an overwhelming threat to civilization
as we know it.

  Everyone who thinks they can implement Jim Bell's AP system
in the near future, raise both hands.
  Now bend over backwards, placing your head near your rectum.


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