EVENT! Rep. Rick White to hold live online town hall meeting 4/10!

Shabbir Safdar shabbir at democracy.net
Thu Apr 3 20:31:25 PST 1997

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                         Government Without Walls
Update No.3              http:/www.democracy.net/            April 3 1997
Table of Contents

 - Join Internet Caucus Co-Founder Rick White (R-WA) Live Online April 10.
 - Background on Rep. White
 - Upcoming Events
 - About democracy.net

Representative Rick White (R-WA), co-founder of the Congressional Internet
Caucus and leader on Internet policy issues, will be the guest at
democracy.net's first live, interactive 'town hall meeting' on Thursday
April 10 at 8:30 pm ET (5:30 pm PST).

The town hall meeting, moderated by Wired Magazine's Todd Lappin, will be
completely virtual.  The discussion will be cybercast live via RealAudio,
and listeners can join a simultaneous interactive chat discussion and pose
questions to Rep. White.

This is a unique opportunity for Internet users to discuss current Internet
issues, including efforts to reform US Encryption policy, the future of the
Communications Decency Act, the activities of the Congressional Internet
Caucus, and others.

Details on the event, including instructions on how you can submit questions
in advance, are attached below.


         * Interactive Town Hall Meeting with Rep. Rick White (R-WA) *

 DATE:      Thursday, April 10, 1997
 TIME:      5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST
 LOCATION:  http://www.democracy.net

In advance of the town hall meeting, please visit http://www.democracy.net
and fill out the form to ask Rep. White a question.  We will collect the
questions and forward them to the moderator on the day of the event, and
will make every effort to ensure that questions from constituents are asked

1. Attend and ask Rep. White a question!

   Please mark this date in your calendar: Thursday April 10, 5:30PM PST
   at http://democracy.net/

2. Get your friends and co-workers to join the discussion

   Members of Congress love to hear from their constituents. If you have
   friends that live in the district, please forward this invitation and
   encourage them to attend.


Congressman Rick White, 43, is serving his second term representing the
people of the First Congressional District of Washington state, which
includes parts of Seattle, Redmond, and surrounding areas.

In 1995, White gained national attention through his work on the
Internet and high-technology issues. He was one of a handful of members
selected to develop the final Telecommunications Act of 1996.  As the
founder of the Congressional Internet Caucus, he has worked to educate
members of Congress about the Internet and to create a more open,
participatory government through the use of technology.

Additional Information can be found at the following locations:

* Rep. Rick White's Home Page   --   http://www.house.gov/white/
* democracy.net Page            --   http://www.democracy.net/


Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Internet policy leader from Silicon
Valley, will be the guest at democracy.net's interactive 'town hall meeting'
on Wednesday April 16 at 8:30 pm ET (5:30 pm PST).

Visit http://www.democracy.net for more details.


The democracy.net is a joint project of the Center for Democracy and
Technology (CDT) and the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW) to explore
ways of enhancing citizen participation in the democratic process via
the Internet.

To this end, democracy.net will host live, interactive cybercasts of
Congressional Hearings and online town hall meetings with key policy makers.

democracy.net is made possible through the generous support of WebActive,
Public Access Networks, the Democracy Network, and DIGEX Internet.  More
information about the project and its sponsors can be found at

To receive democracy.net announcements automatically, please visit our
signup form at http://www.democracy.net/

End update no.3                                                    04/03/1997

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