Sabotaging Big Brother Inside Corporate Complicity

Huge Cajones Remailer nobody at
Wed Apr 2 10:55:07 PST 1997

Kent Crispin wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 01, 1997 at 03:45:47PM -0800, "TruthMonger" wrote:
> >   No matter what lengths the government goes to to infringe
> > on basic human rights, there will always be individuals and
> > corporations fighting over who gets to profit from the actions,
> > all the while claiming, "We don't put them in the ovens, we
> > just turn on the gas."
> Oh, we're to the death camps, are we?  I guess that counts as
> invoking Hitler.

  ...or how Native Americans who died on the Trail of Tears
*really wanted* to go for a walk in the country?

> > TruthMonger
> > "We have met the enemy, and he is Kent."
> Actually, you don't have a clue what I think, what my motives
> are, or what I favor.  Awareness of reality is the first requirement
> for sanity.

  The reality is, dropping the .gov sig-reference _doesn't_ count
as 'devoking' Clinton.
  And given the muddled nature of your thinking on key escrow, I'm
not sure whether either one of us has a clue as to what you think.
  As far as your motives go, that's a matter between you and the
Cosmic Muffin. The road to Key Escrow is paved with good intentions.
(All of the Chinese got used up building the railroads.)


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