hackers texts

Adamsc Adamsc at io-online.com
Mon Sep 2 00:56:55 PDT 1996

On Sun, 01 Sep 1996 08:51:36 EDT, patrick b cummings wrote:

>If any of you hackers out their have wrote any texts for beginning
>hackers  or know of any please send them to me at patrickc at juno.com

You know, I think his mail server has a 36 hour delay on incoming messages. 
Either that or he's
Roadkill on the Information Superhighway
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                 //          \\        | Superhighway |
                //   ____     \\       |     56MB/s   |
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     : The Clue truck got him...

[In case you haven't noticed yet, this looks best with a non-proportional font]

- "'Anonymity is bad,' says a source who wishes to remain anonymous." - Nuff' said.
* Home: Chris Adams <adamsc at io-online.com> | http://www.io-online.com/adamsc/adamsc.htp
* Autoresponder: send email w/subject of "send resume" or "send PGPKEY"
* Work: cadams at acucobol.com | V.M. (619)515-4894 | (619)689-6579
* Member in good standing of the GNU whirled hors d'oeuvre

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