slander and call for lawyers. :)

Michael Mattsson michaelmattsson at
Wed Oct 30 14:25:37 PST 1996

Armenia never entered the war (whether they were sympathetic or not is another matter),  Japan (although i believe never formally 'declared war') pushed USA's button i guess, something to do with an incident at Pearl Harbor <g>.Canada likewise decided to move Canadians of  Japanese decent into 'holding' camps for reasons of national security...  those were enlightened times....I'll end this before we slid further off topic, ----------Michael Mattsson  -  ProgrammerMomentis Systems             michaelmattsson at  -   ----------> From: Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM <dlv at>> To: cypherpunks at> Subject: Re: slander and call for lawyers. :)> Date: Wednesday, October 30, 1996 7:16 AM> > Note: I am not subscribed to this mailing list. I've been forcibly> unsubscribed and not permittecd to resubscribe.> > frantz at (Bill Frantz) writes:> > I am quite willing to transfer my pledge of $50 (which was given in the> > hope that the event would attract Attila, not Dimitri) to Ray's legal> > defense fund.> >> > I want to be clear that this transfer is only valid for defense.  If the> > fund will be used to legally attack Dimitri, I'd like my money back.  That> > falls in the category of inviting the courts to rule on net-disputes,> > something I would like to discourage.  (Attacking Dimitri seems also to> > fall into the category of bullshit suits, something else I would like to> > discourage.)> > You seem to be confused. No one suggested that I have any plans to sue> Ray Arachelian. Some of the lies he and Tim May posted to this mailing> list are probably actionable, but I don't believe in suing over something> said on the net.> > Ray Arachelian has repeatedly threatened to sue me over my posts to this> mailing list, and that's what his legal fund is for. It is by no means a> legal "defense" fund.> > A related question: when persons of Japanese descent (including 3rd generation> U.S. citizens) were rounded up during WW2 and confined to concentration camps,> where many died from deprivation and disease, why weren't persons of Armenian> descent similarly "interned"? Weren't they even more sympathetic to the Nazis> that persons of German descent?> > ---> 

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