Rumours of NSA breakin

Alex Filacchione alexf at
Wed Oct 30 06:49:09 PST 1996

	I've been hearing rumours of an alledged compromise
of the NSA Web server but no hard evidence. The claim made is
that several Mb of files were downloaded from the server and
posted to the "Internet". I can't see it in sci.crypt or
alt.conspiracy though.

	I am more than a little skeptical of the claim, unless the
files in question were not considered sensitive - and there is
no reason to believe that the NSA would be keeing anything
secret on their Web server.

*if* the page was hacked indeed, then I seriously doubt that files of any 
significance were taken.  I would think that they would not keep any 
classified info on a web server (!).  If someone hacked into the page, got 
the files, and then posted them to the internet they probably would *not* 
have posted these to sci.crypt, etc. (I like the addition of alt.conspiracy 
though).  My guess is that they would end up on a private mailing list, or 
end up getting posted to one of the "warez" groups or something.

If this were true, I would be interested to know just what it was that they 
were keeping on their website and why.  Could they be trojaned files? 
 Would the NSA go to so much trouble when there are easier ways of doing 
things?  Just curious about this....

Alex F
alexf at

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