Q.E.D P+P == talk the talk - but - P+P != walk the walk

cypher at cyberstation.net cypher at cyberstation.net
Sun Oct 27 22:36:35 PST 1996

As the former manager of the OTP Development and Analysis group at
NSA, and as the President and CEO of Mauchly - Wood Systems Corporation, 
the prime contractor at JPL and developer of cutting edge signal processing
software to seismic, well logging, NASA and other worldwide markets, you
can bet your booty that Perry, Paul and a lot of others would like to add
my scalp to their trophy case.

I am sure that all of you will recall how quickly they tried to do so, and
thought they had succeeded, a few months ago when I posted my snare
algorithm to the cypherpunks list. They leaped at the opportunity to
discredit me.

I withdrew the OTP claim and posted the ENTIRE algorithm, in a posting
           dated 10-24-96
           addressed to Adam Shostack,
                    and titled
Montgolfiering P Information= P log_base_infinity P, 

Since, then they they have suddenly grown silent. Nary a peep out of the
previously oh so vocal. It is obvious that they are totally clueless about
how to go about breaking the  algorithm, or they would have jumped at the
opportunity to add a notch to their analytical gun.  As becomes quickly
apparent, the algorithm cannot be broken except by brute force, which is
patently impossible.

Are they trying silent treatment where the rest of you will forget about
what is going on, and hope that I will simply disappear. All of those who 
leaped at the opportunity to take me apart before are now displaying
contemptuous intellectual pap, that is pap not the other similar word
though that also applies. Their misleading inculcations did not work so
what are they trying now. 

I believe that it is an open ommission on "non possumus." If not and they
are trying to analyze and break the algorithm, I apologize. On the
other hand, if they are being intellectually amoral,  then their
impuissance will become generally known shortly. 

Is that cabal amoral or moral? Are they intellectually honest or
dishonest. We will all know shortly. If they hide behind pitjantjatjara
words, they are revealed as being dishonest and amoral - if they look at
the algorithm and report it out factually, then they are being honest and
displaying intellectual morality. It is that simple. Let us see what
they do, who they are, and what they are.  It is in their hands to do
it right or do it wrong.

I have received 43 private messages about the montgolfiering posting from
this and the coderpunks list. I hope that some of you to go public with
your comments. Those that feel uncomfortable in doing so, please contact
me privately,

with warmest regards,

Don Wood   

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