pgp3 (was Re: MD5?)

Adam Back aba at
Sat Oct 26 13:16:54 PDT 1996

I just wrote:

> commercial, but at this point my understanding is that Derek Atkins is
> employed by SGI, and Colin Plumb by PGP Inc.  

As someone just pointed out, Derek works at Sun.  (I thought I heard
SGI chipped in too).

> No mention of pgp3 on, mit; a web search reveals nothing.

An altavista serach found an Internet Draft entitled `PGP Message
Exchange Formats', however this appears to be a re-write of
pgformat.txt which is distributed with PGP, with some comments
explaining expansion directions. eg

:   The  public-key-encryption algorithm  is specified by  the public-key
:   cryptosystem (PKC) number of field (f). The following PKC numbers are
:   currently defined:
:      1 - RSA
:      255 - experimental
:   More PKC numbers  may be defined   in the future.   An implementation
:   need not support every PKC number.  The implementor must document the
:   PKC numbers understood by an implementation.

The only explicit mention of pgp 3.0 I saw in this document was this
somewhat out of date comment:

:   A new  release of PGP, known as  PGP 3.0, is  anticipated in 1995. To
:   the maximum extent possible, this version will be upwardly compatible
:   with version 2.x. At a minimum, PGP 3.0 will be able to read messages
:   and signatures produced by version 2.x.

Someone suggested to me that Derek posted a draft spec for PGP 3.0.
Anyone know of the whereabouts of this document.  WWW searches aren't
turning anything up for me, other than this:

: To: cypherpunks at
: From: frantz at (Bill Frantz)
: Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:55:38 -0700
: Subject: Usenet Conference on Security
: Just a few of the highlights:
: (1) Ron Rivest speaking on SDSI
: [...]
: (7) Derek Atkins' description of the PGP Library API.

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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