You are now subscribed to the COOL_TRAVELS list

L-Soft list server at EDS (1.8b) LISTSERV at
Sat Oct 26 00:03:37 PDT 1996

Sat, 26 Oct 1996 02:03:21

Your subscription to  Continental Online (COOL) Travel  Specials has been
confirmed. Please  keep this E-mail  as it contains  important infomation
about the list you've joined.

There are two distinct e-mail addresses that you should be aware of.

1.  listserv  address:  LISTSERV at LISTSERV.XWEB.EDS.COM. 2.  mailing  list

The first address:


This  is  a  non-human,  administrative,  automatic-reply  address.  This
address works  similar to a telephone  voice response system. You  dial a
specific  number to  connect  to  the voice  response  system, enter  the
command/option to  complete a specific  task. There  is not an  option to
chat with  the voice response  system. Similarly, the address  above does
not recognize anything but pre-defined commands.

When you send E-mail to LISTSERV at LISTSERV.XWEB.EDS.COM, with a command in
the message body, LISTSERV at LISTSERV.XWEB.EDS.COM will reply to you with a
pre-defined response  to your command.  Commands are not  case sensitive,
and the "subject:" field does not matter.

Here are some useful commands.

subscribe cool_travels  firstname lastname  (To subscribe to  the mailing
list   cool_travels  or   overwrite  your   existing  account   with  new

unsubscribe cool_travels (To unsubscribe the cool_travels list)

For security reasons, when you  unsubscribe/signoff the list will ask you
for a confirmation. When you  receive the confirmation, use your mailer's
"reply" feature and type OK, and nothing else, in the reply message. This
is meant to verify  that you really do want to be  removed from the list.
LISTSERV will  notify you  once the operation  is successful.  Please *DO
NOT* include the original confirmation message in your OK reply.

Again, send commands only to LISTSERV at LISTSERV.XWEB.EDS.COM.

The second important address is:


This is  the mailing list  that will  bring you discounts  and promotions
from Continental Airlines. This is a one-way, announce-only mailing list.
It does  not accept mail postings  from the subscribers. Please  do *NOT*
reply to the messages sent to you from this mailing list. If you need any
assistance, please send an E-mail to:


with COOL_TRAVELS  in the "subject:"  field. We  will be happy  to assist

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