slander and call for lawyers. :)

Ray Arachelian sunder at
Thu Oct 24 12:07:28 PDT 1996

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> As I said, *I* don't see what relevance ethnic flames could possibly have
> to a supposedly crypto-related mailing list, but Timmy May and his few friends
> clearly disagree - witness their many rants about Russians and Cossacks (????)
> as well as attacks on mormons. I also recall some clearly anti-Semetic rants
> from Timmy May (something about Israel deserving to be nuked).

If that's the case, then why are you posting anti-Armenian flame spams? 
Your pots are blacker than your kettle?
> As for Ray, he's a typical hate-filled Armenian. Armenian heritage has been
> defined for centuries in terms of "race-worship" and hatred for Moslems,
> Jews, and anyone else non-Armenian. It's somewhat surprising to see such
> stereotypical "old-country" behavior in an alleged Californian.

The above paragraph is clearly slanderous.  Up until now you've danced 
around it.  Here you clearly state and implicate me in your racist 
remarks.  Congratulations, you can now be sued.  As for Californian, 
you've another thing coming.  I'm not in California.  You might be very
surprised to find out just where I live.  But don't worry, you will have 
to deal with this in a court of law.  Have a nice day Vulis.

So there you have it folks, a clear and outright slanderous remark.  We 
have lawyers on this list, who wants to hang Vulis out to dry? As for his 
previous remarks, I've saved them too.  There's more than enough to get a 
nice tidy bunch of bucks out of him, I understands he runs D&M 
consulting, right?  I'm sure his business makes a tidy profit, so there's 
a nice go there.

> And I don't see any evidence that Timmy or Ray are "crypto people".

That's because you're not a crypto person and have no clue as to who 
are.  I'm not about to sit here and trumpet the things I've done for 
crypto.  Neither will Tim.

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian    |FL|       KAOS KERAUNOS KYBERNETOS      |==/|\==
  \|/  |sunder at|UL|__Nothing_is_true,_all_is_permitted!_|=/\|/\=
<--+-->| ------------------ |CG|What part of 'Congress shall make no |=\/|\/=
  /|\  | "A toast to Odin,  |KA| law abridging the freedom of speech'|==\|/==
 + v + |God of screwdrivers"|AK|        do you not understand?       |=======
      If the Macintosh is a woman...  Then Windows is a Transvestite!
           ActiveX! ActiveX! Format Hard drive? Just say yes!

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