I'm Confused about Algorithm Patents in Canada

janke at unixg.ubc.ca janke at unixg.ubc.ca
Wed Oct 23 22:49:27 PDT 1996

I have a library of crypto goodies that I would like to release,
but am kinda stuck on the copyright: I read in a very new book that
algorithms cannot be patented in Canada. In AC2, however, Scheneier
mentions several of the algorithms as being patented in Canada.
Today, I visited Ascom's home page and noticed that IDEA is not
patented here, so I get the feeling the law might have changed
just recently. If anyone can tell me anymore of what they know about the
status of algorithm patents in Canada, or if they could point
me to a good source of info on the net, I would be very appreciative.
(Since my library will be free, you might be helping more than just
me too. :) )

(Visit http://www.interchg.ubc.ca/janke/index.html#lcrypt for an
ouline of what I'd like to release, if you like.)

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