wired wankers

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Wed Oct 23 20:01:39 PDT 1996

Hard Media wrote:
> Did anyone read the cover article in last months US Wired? About why Walter Wriston,
> the ex-head of Citibank, is acting like a cypherpunk????
> I can't believe that a man responsible for countless third world deaths is being
> called a cypherpunk by Wired!!! Citibank is a major player in the third world debt
> crisis...this seems to be news for Thomas Bass, who interviewed him...then Bass goes
> on to ask if "Walter" has made any "bad loans" ie to dictators and other nasty sorts
> ...jeez sorry but there's naivity and there's stupidity
> ....seems like very few people know who or what cypherpunks are - good or bad?

Now, now.  Just because they acted naive, you didn't buy it, did you?

There's an old joke: What's green and grows and has four wheels?
                     Grass - I lied about the wheels.

Cypherpunk is a problem for the establishment, and now that it's becoming fashionable, 
it's time to be co-opted.  Are you ready to be co-opted?  Don't bend over too far!

Short history of Wriston/Reagan ripoff: 1982, Wriston (speaking of Willie Sutton, "I rob 
banks because that's where the money is") said "I look out over the American landscape 
and I see 1.2 trillion dollars in Savings and Loans...." (quote approximate).  Enter 
neo-Nazi Ronald Reagan with Fritz Kraemer's "former" secretary in tow, and Reagan goes 
on video saying "Well, looks like we hit the jackpot".  Yowzuh!

Then they turned their sights on Japan, with 12 trillion in the stock market and 
Japanese banks, and I guess you know how that went.

These are very serious folks.  The kind of guys who can arrange war-crimes trials 
(Nurnburg, et al) as a smokescreen for their real mission.  Don't get in their way
unless you have an angel on your side.  An angel with a bag of cash, actually.

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