Timmy May is a jerk

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Tue Oct 22 20:51:59 PDT 1996

c62op27 at ibx.com (Victor Fiorillo) writes:

> Ok, I'm a new subscriber.  I take it as a given that Timmy May is a jerk,
> but who is he?

I'm not sure if this is on-topic to this list, since Timmy May has
nothing to do with crypto... :-)

Basically, Timmy May is a retired senile old fart who used to work for Intel.
He's got nothing to do, he's bored, so he posts flame bait to this list.

Timmy is very stupid (can't think logically) and ignorant (doesn't know even
the things most educated Americans know). In particular, he's totally
ignorant of cryptography, which used to be the subject matter of this list.

Timmy likes to post personal attacks on people, attributing to them phoney
"quotes" that Timmy himself has made up. He's a proven liar.

He's also very racist. E.g., I happen to be Russian (have lived in the U.S.
for 17 years), so Timmy tries to insult me by flaming Russians in general
and writing some assinine drivel about the Cossacks (?????).

Recently Timmy posted an attack on mormons (having nothing to do with crypto)
and provoked a vicious religious flame war, which I helped quench by asking
people not to contribute to Timmy's thread anymore.

Clearly, Timmy has no life and his only remaining form of entertainment is
to read the flames that he provokes.

You can find more info on Timmy May and other jerks like him on the Web:


I hope this helps.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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