[SERDAR ARGIC] Ray "GAK" Arachelian's role in the murder of 2,500,000 Turks, Kurds, and Sephardic Jews

Ray Arachelian sunder at brainlink.com
Tue Oct 22 14:55:26 PDT 1996

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> Nonsense. Timmy, Sandy, and a few other jerks on this mailing list are
> obsessed with my alleged Cossack (???) ethnicity. The massacres perpetrated
> by the grandparents and cousins of the censorous flamer, who actually
> distributes a "filtered" version of the mailing list - with responses to his
> flames edited out, is more on-topic than anything Timmy May has ever posted.

I don't debate what Tim May has posted or not.  His value to this list 
far outweighs yours.  I debate that what you are posting here in this 
thread is nothing more than flames, and therefore off topic.

My ancestors are not a topic for the cypherpunks, and if you go and read
messages sent by me your way have zero refrences to your ethnic
background.  Your racially loaded, "dandruff-covered" vitriolic flames
have no place here.  However this is totally irrelevant since the subject
is off topic. 

As for "censorous flamer" you sir have done plenty to make my filtered 
list thrive.  I have received by far more new subscribers to the filtered 
version than ever before.  Why?  Because everyone is tired of you and 
your silly flames.  Were I mercenary enough to charge money for the 
filtered list, you, sir would have made me a rich man.

However, you are doing nothing to hurt me in any way.  I don't care what 
your oppinions are as to my ancestry, nor do I care to satisfy them one 
way or another by answering your cretinous flames.

Other than to point out that you need some serious growing up.  I've seen 
3 year olds more mature than you Vulis.

You seem to think that you can get away with anything. But keep pushing, 
eventually you'll say something that will wind you up with a slander suit.

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian    |FL|       KAOS KERAUNOS KYBERNETOS      |==/|\==
  \|/  |sunder at sundernet.com|UL|__Nothing_is_true,_all_is_permitted!_|=/\|/\=
<--+-->| ------------------ |CG|What part of 'Congress shall make no |=\/|\/=
  /|\  | "A toast to Odin,  |KA| law abridging the freedom of speech'|==\|/==
 + v + |God of screwdrivers"|AK|        do you not understand?       |=======
      If the Macintosh is a woman...  Then Windows is a Transvestite!
           ActiveX! ActiveX! Format Hard drive? Just say yes!

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