Prof Shamir arrested

Alex de Joode usura at
Tue Oct 22 06:03:24 PDT 1996

Bert-Jaap Koops (E.J.Koops at wrote:

: Jim Bell wrote:
: [many things on "fraud"]

: Excuse me if I don't react on this in detail. We have already 
: explained it, and there it stands: fraud means playing a game without 
: abiding by its rules. It's perfectly legitimate to establish a game 
: and to introduse rules of the game with it. If you want to play the 
: game, play by its rules, otherwise don't play it. If you play it 
: while cheating, though, you must bear the consequences ("go directly 
: to jail" ;-).

: Bert-Jaap

What Mr. Bell probably means is that 'if the powers that be' decide 
to unilateraly change the rules, you are lost in limbo. The notion
that 'the powers that be' can be relied opun is seriously flawed,
for example take in account some of the dealings of our own guvment,
the abolishing of the WIR -overnight-, the proposals of Vermeent
that totally neglected art. 1 WvSr.

Basicly 'fraud' is a definition that benefits 'the powers that be',
one that seriously harms our rights and liberties. You also state
"If you want to play the game, play by its rules, otherwise don't 
play it." Well sometimes people have no other option then to play,
and dropping out if gouvernment changes the rules unilateraly can 
be to costly an option ..

bEST Regards,
 Alex de Joode
 I have a linux emulator for Win95: it's called "loadlin" ... *g*

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