[SERDAR ARGIC] Ray Arachelian's role in massacare of 2,500,000 Moslems

Michael Peponis mianigand at outlook.net
Mon Oct 21 07:46:14 PDT 1996

:> > > Vulis, grow up.

That about sums it up.  

It's one thing to  endlessly insult Tim May.  I can just ignore those.

It's another thing to send huge files full of irrevelent bable about
genocide in some third world country that I have to wait till it
downloads before I can make the determination that it's pure garbage.
(No, I don't killfile people on this list, maybe I should start)

Sandy made you a fair offer, if you are out to prove that Tim May is
an <insert insult here> and you are the divine being of cryptology,
then show up to one of the meetings and prove yourself in person,
or atleast insult Tim to his face.

Michael Peponis
PGP Encyrpted mail prefered for business corespondence
finger mianigand at outlook.net for public key

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