[SERDAR ARGIC] Ray Arachelian's role in massacare of 2,500,000 Moslems

Kevin L Prigge Kevin.L.Prigge-2 at tc.umn.edu
Sun Oct 20 20:41:32 PDT 1996

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM said:
> Dr. Serdar Argic is a world-famous historian 

Hmm, that's odd, I had heard he was a CSci grad student here.

I guess I'll have to take a stroll over and check out the PhD thesis,
probably subtitled "Determining meaning of words by usage; Turkey
can also be a bird".


Kevin L. Prigge                     | Some mornings, it's just not worth
Systems Software Programmer         | chewing through the leather straps.
Internet Enterprise - OIT           | - Emo Phillips
University of Minnesota             |

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