[NOISE] I never knew that Dimitri Vulis was a net.legend

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Wed Oct 16 15:05:50 PDT 1996

I avoid responding to Vulis' rants and raves, and his unusually
unimaginative schoolyard witticisms (the "Timmy May is a convicted child
molestor" stuff...I guess this is an example of Russian-style insults,
though I guess it's better than hammering one's shoe on a table).

However, Mark Aldrich's belated realization that Vulis is a certified
Kook-of-the-Month shows that not everyone may have understood my humor a
few months back. After several weeks of seeing Vulis' rants here, with his
strange insertions of the word "[spit]" after mentioning people's names,
and knowing full well his history as a ranter against "the Usenet Cabal,"
and with various odd, kooky comments about fellow Russian emigres, this is
why I composed my brief satire about Vulis (attached below, from
1996-07-17). I even labelled it as "satire," but, in true KOTM form, Vulis
declared that I was spreading slanderous lies in "the security community"
(I guess that's us?), and from thereon I was one of his main targets. Maybe
he thinks I'm another Sovok Tchurka emigre who changed his name to a
Western name so as to join the Illuminati Jew Usenet Cabal.

At 1:51 PM -0400 10/16/96, Mark O. Aldrich wrote:
>While the message blew by a little while ago (and I didn't save it),
>someone had posted a URL with information about Dimitri's sordid/alleged
>past on the Net.  At roughly the same time, I ran across (by accident) a
>URL that lists Dimitri as a "net.legend" and offers yet another
>perspective.  Apparently, Dimitri is far more well known that any of us
>(at least me) gave him credit for.  The notion that the idiom "dandruff
>covered" is indicative of anti-semitism is one passage that I found rather
>Check it out for yourself at

Indeed, I knew full well about the "dandruff-covered" bit, and included it
in my satire (included below), probably from reading the KOTM FAQ on a
regular basis.

Anyway, now perhaps my satire will make more sense to some of you, who only
recently have learned just how strange and kooky Vulis (or whatever his
real name is) really is.

Here's my post from 1996-07-17:


At 4:17 AM 7/18/96, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:

>Knowing KGB habits as pertaining to releasing information to the public,
>I would expect 50% of the CDROM to be pure bullshit, 40% -- lies, and
>maybe 10% truth that was already publicly available.
>It is like buying a CDROM about the history of the Net from Dr. Grubor.
>Maybe it would be interesting and amusing, but not worth $120.

NOW you tell me! I just shelled out $42 for "The History of the Net," by
Dr. John Grubor and Dr. Dmitri Vulis, 1996.

And here I thought it was the real history of the Net, especially the part
about how "the dandruff-covered Peter Vorobieff (spit) conspired with the
purebred Sovok Valery Fabrikant (spit) to spread the lies of the Jew
cripples dying of AIDS in Sovok-controlled clinics."

When Grubor and Vulis speak of the Usenet Cabal being a Sovok (spit) plot,
I thought this was the actual truth. I guess not. Maybe Spafford is
actually Rabbi Ruthenberg.

--Tim May

(hint: this a satire, based on the writings of Vulis, who speaks of people
as "lying purebred Sovok Tchurkas" (whatever _they_ are), and attaches the
charming word "(spit)" after nearly every person he references.)


"The government announcement is disastrous," said Jim Bidzos,.."We warned IBM
that the National Security Agency would try to twist their technology."
[NYT, 1996-10-02]
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, I know that that ain't allowed.
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay at got.net  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^1,257,787-1 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."

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