attila at attila at
Tue Oct 15 19:26:11 PDT 1996

In <Pine.SUN.3.91.961015085426.2814D-100000 at>, on 10/15/96 
   at 08:56 AM, Sandy Sandfort <sandfort at> said:


.You wrote:

.> What the hell, I'll spring for $200.  It would be the needed 
.> excuse to leave San Diego anyway.

.Wah whoo!  This, plus some other new pledges puts us over the $1000
.mark.  Now all we need is some show of intestinal fortitude from
        well, if we can get Dimitri to be the victim, I would enjoy 
    nothing more than exercising some well honed skills of cynicism,
    sarcasm, and the classic art of insult on *his* chosen subject(s).

        take no prisoners!

        the fact English may not be his native language (the Russians
    require fluency in American English to matriculate past age 14) 
    --I have no conscience, in other words,...

        of course, that assumes you will tolerate a roast where the
    stated goal is his resignation from the list; maybe we can send him
    off to Perry who apparently has become too personally disgruntled to
    stay with us.  ??--after all, code is on coderpunks.

        several literate assaults managed to clear Dr. Fred from the 
    list.  Dimitri just does not know when to quit.

            ...attila out!

  "A grant of relief 
    that varies inversely with earnings 
    is the worst form of subsidy, 
    since it destroys the incentive
    for the worker to demand, 
    or the employer to offer, higher wages."
        --T.S. Ashton's 'The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830'

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