SPA sues C2, other ISPs and users

Bruce M. bkmarsh at
Tue Oct 15 07:18:26 PDT 1996

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Douglas Barnes wrote:

> 2) As obnoxious as the lawsuit is, we don't miss the humor in
>    the fact that we've been grumbling (on-line and off) about 
>    folks who pirate Stronghold (our commercial, secure version
>    of the Apache web server). We really were looking into 
>    joining the SPA, to see if it would do us any good in dealing 
>    with this problem.

    Hopefully you've realized that the potential membership dues could 
probably be better invested in good copyright protection schemes..

                      [ Bruce M. - Feist Systems, Inc. ]
      "We don't want to get our butts kicked by a bunch of long-haired 
        26-year-olds with earrings." -- General John Sheehan on their 
                       reasons for InfoWar involvement

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