Alex Filacchione alexf at iss.net
Mon Oct 14 13:43:14 PDT 1996


Hmm.  Maybe I am missing something.  Can someone please explain to me 
exactly WHAT relevance this has to the list?

People, I really DON'T CARE what your opinions are of Tim May, or anyone 
else for that matter!!!  Can you please stop acting like children in a 
playground name-calling contest and move on to something else?  Something 
of relevance to the list please?  If you absolutely *HAVE* to continue to 
act like children then take it to private email.  If for nothing else, then 
to save YOURSELVES from embarrassment.


Thank you,

AlexF at iss.net

From: 	Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM[SMTP:dlv at bwalk.dm.com]
Sent: 	Friday, October 11, 1996 8:55 AM
To: 	cypherpunks at toad.com


No deal, then. I suggest that for your next meeting you book Timmy May to
perform live sex acts on stage with his two cats, as Ray and Zach do the
Macarena circle-jerk.

> How about you and Tim sit down and *NICELY* talk about your differences? 

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