Fuck Cyberpromo

Roy M. Silvernail roy at sendai.scytale.com
Sun Oct 13 19:02:19 PDT 1996


In list.cypherpunks, richieb at teleport.com writes:

> At 11:07 AM 10/13/96 CST, roy at scytale.com wrote:
> [snip]
>>Anyone on the list know of a good, heavy-handed collection agency that
>>would like to take this when it tops, say, $500?
> Why not just filter the shit?

Can't filter until the traffic is delivered to the local system here.
By that time, I've already paid for its delivery.  Wallace and
CyberPromo are costing me real, measurable money, and I want it stopped.

Besides, it will be a valuable precedent if I can collect (or even
obtain a judgement).  This is right in line with the junk fax law, which
recognized that junk faxes consume the receiver's resources without
permission or compensation.

If filtering is to be done, it's CyberPromo's responsibility to filter
their outgoing traffic.  I sent 3 warnings to the designated address
(wallace at cyberpromo.com) and provided a simple list of 2 domains to
block.  Now I'm sending invoices.
- -- 
           Roy M. Silvernail     [ ]      roy at scytale.com
DNRC Minister Plenipotentiary of All Things Confusing, Software Division
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