Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Sun Oct 13 00:39:11 PDT 1996

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I can't seem to get a response to my offer from the usually
loquacious Dimitri.  If you know his phone number, I would
appreciate it if you would send it to me.  I'd like to chat with
him about coming to California to address a Cypherpunks meeting.
On Monday, I'll be talking to a travel agent to see about making
travel arrangements for Dimitri.  Some time next week I'll let
you all know what the estimated costs of the trip are and how
much I have Pledged.  We're moving right along so I think it's 
time that Dimitri and I ironed out the details of his visit.

 S a n d y

P.S.	Any other contact information about Dimitri, his
	employer's name, work phone, home address, etc.
	would be greatly appreciated.


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