Kantor on GAK

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Fri Oct 11 14:20:24 PDT 1996

On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:

> At 8:29 AM -0400 10/11/96, John Young wrote:
> >   You assume that foreign buyers would not buy key-recovery
> >   products, but you ignore the trend -- especially in Europe
> >   -- to require use of key-recovery products and bar the
> >   import of stronger and stronger encryption products that do
> >   not take law enforcement into account.
> So, because some countries will not allow import into _their_ countries of
> non-GAK software, this means GAK must be mandated on U.S. _exports_? Since
> when it is our responsibilty to enforce other nation's import laws?
> (Because Iran will not allow the import of blasphemous literature, should
> the USG ban all export of such material from the U.S.?)

Note that Mickey Kantor is doing _exactly_ what has been predicted on 
this very list: he is using the (very limited) response the US received 
from other countries by strongarming said countries into supporting a 
pro-GAK position to manipulate the American public into accepting GAK by 
pretending the US must respond to the requests of the world market.

--Lucky, who hopes everybody on this list will vote for Harry Browne.

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