Rabid Wombat wombat at
Thu Oct 10 21:24:30 PDT 1996

I'm in for $50.

Anyone else up for hearing the good Dr. discuss crypto instead of sexual 
perversity and social disfunctions?


>                           SANDY SANDFORT
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> C'punks,
> Just got a private pledge for another $50.  With Ray's $50 and
> my $100, we are making a big dent in the cost of getting Dimitri
> out here.  Still haven't heard from Dimitri, though.  (I guess 
> it's hard to type one-handed.)  :-)
> In the likely circumstance that we get more money pledged than is 
> required to fete Dimitri, I'll return the excess to donors on a
> pro rata basis.  For now, though, I need more pledges.  Thanks.
>  S a n d y
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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