Missionaries BLAH BLAH BLAH

John Anonymous MacDonald nobody at cypherpunks.ca
Wed Oct 9 19:30:51 PDT 1996

:Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 09:30:34 -0600
:From: Shawn Willden <swillden at cs.weber.edu>
:To: Dale Thorn <dthorn at gte.net>
:Subject: Re: Missionaries

:Dale Thorn wrote:
:> > Biblical creationism is "wrong": there's ample evidence that the
:> > Earth is *much* more than 6000 years old.  Yet lots of seemingly
:> > rational people believe biblical creationism.
:> Which years?


;And Christian theology also offers an explanation as to why God would :do such a thing: so that faith is required for belief.
:Logic is of no use in theological discussions.I've dealt with more :than a few. BLAH BLAH BLAH  As a Mormon missionary I spent quite a :bit of time discussing
:theology with people :-) BLAH BLAH BLAH


Much better to bash Tim (no offense meant, I like Tim's style--or lack thereof) than this drivel.

Makes me want to puke.

To quote: "As for what this whole thread has to do with crypto, i have no idea..."


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