
Shawn Willden swillden at cs.weber.edu
Wed Oct 9 08:31:03 PDT 1996

Dale Thorn wrote:
> Stephen Humble wrote:
> > Biblical creationism is "wrong": there's ample evidence that the
> > Earth is *much* more than 6000 years old.  Yet lots of seemingly
> > rational people believe biblical creationism.
> Which years?  The very definition of the Christian God encompasses all
> ultimate things, including the ability to make the Earth look like 
> it's billions of years old, with *all* "evidence" in place.

And Christian theology also offers an explanation as to why God would do
such a thing: so that faith is required for belief.

Logic is of no use in theological discussions.  Not because people are
incapable of understanding or applying it, but because they have already
applied it.  Given its own definitions and axioms, every belief system
I've encountered is pretty rational, and I've dealt with more than a
few.  As a Mormon missionary I spent quite a bit of time discussing
theology with people :-)


Shawn Willden
swillden at cs.weber.edu

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