Clipper spin [was Re:Flood Warning]

Peter Trei trei at
Mon Oct 7 11:04:15 PDT 1996

> [...]
> >
> >   High-Tech Leaders Join Forces to Enable International
> >   Strong Encryption
> >
> >      See:
> The "International Strong Encryption" phrase is something that we
> need to become active in stopping.  Anything which responds to such
> announcements should put a different spin on this phrase.  If the
> Clipper farce is accepted as "strong" encryption then the battle is
> lost; maybe something like "it is _international_ strong encryption
> because it is the strongest encryption people like Saddam Hussein [insert
> bogeyman du jour] want Americans to have access to"
> jim

Back when IBM/Lotus came out with it's "International" version, I 
proposed the term 'espionage-enabled software'. I still like it.

Peter Trei
trei at

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