Clipper III on the table

Stephen Humble deeb at
Fri Oct 4 17:30:44 PDT 1996

dlv at (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) sez:
> If I own a computer and some contractor is writing something on it
> for me, I should have the right to tell the contractor that I don't
> want, e.g., any unlicences software and any data encrypted so that I
> can't read it.

well, it's *your* computer...

> Likewise the gubmint or a corporation bigger than mine is free to
> say that there should be no data on its computers or its contractors
> computers that they can't read.

Whoa!  Unless the service contracted for includes the use of the
contractors' computers, what business does the employer have poking
around in someone else's computer?  I can easily see Big Brother
demanding exactly that, but He won't hire me under those conditions.

Or was that just a slip of the mind, assuming large organizations
should have greater powers than smaller ones?  I do that too much


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