[FACTS] Mountain Meadows Massacre

Deana Holmes mirele at xmission.com
Thu Oct 3 20:21:25 PDT 1996

On  3 Oct 96 at 14:42, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> "Deana Holmes" <mirele at xmission.com> writes:
> <snip mor(m)on propaganda>
> > 
> > <snip Dmitri Vulis nonsense>
> No wonder the criminal cult doesn't want its foul deeds subjected to
> public scrutiny by "dead-agenting" its critics. Is Timmy May a
> paid cult apologist?


You know you're doing good when both Dmitri Vulis and Attila both
badmouth you.  (For the record, Attila's badmouthing consisted of
stating via private email that I was "the same air head
pseudo-intellectual who has poisoned her own life with hatred and
ignorance in so many other venues.") 

Some people are just terribly threatened, I guess.


Deana M. Holmes
April 1996 poster child for clueless $cientology litigiousness
alt.religion.scientology archivist since 2/95
mirele at xmission.com

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