"Mormon Asshole?" re: GAK

attila attila at primenet.com
Thu Oct 3 15:37:18 PDT 1996

on 03 Oct 1995, Dr. Dimitri Vulis KOTM <dlv at bwalk.dm.com> defecated:

.(We have at least one mormon asshole here, attilla, who's obviously pro-GAK)
        pro-GAK?   either me or the average Utahn?   really?    

        no way.  

        other than Salt Lake City area which might be more pro-GAK,
    which were it not for Temple Square, etc. could be just any other
    large city with a Mormon MINORITY.  the population influx asking 
    to be able to join our safe communities and values has not only 
    changed the balance of power in favour of outsiders, but the 
    outsiders brought their social problems (gangs, drugs, morals, etc.)
    with them.   and maybe willing to trade their freedoms for 
    temporary security.  surprised?

        ask questions before you quote me (or anyone) as to their 
    position on constitutional matters.  your innuendos and depravity
    is unworthy of any educated Western individual, or do you not
    consider yourself a Western intellectual?  maybe you really are 
    only capable of playing the Vodka sotted Russian fool?  where is
    your dancing bear?

        I think I have more than a few credentials for being anti
    anything the Feds propose on curbing the Bill of Rights and the
    Constitution  --including more than several visits from the boys 
    in grey trench coats in the early morning, and being arrested and
    charged by the Feds with both crypto and 'trading with the enemy' 
    --the fear of public disclosure is what stops them from going even
    to indictment.  and, I endured one of their standard forms of pay-
    back, at a personal price we shall not discuss.

        a man is considered lucky if he has one true friend when he is
    down and being kicked by the Feds;  I found a virtual army of good
    people, many outside my immediate ward, who not only did not turn
    their backs, but actively supported; many not even knowing what 
    the fight was about, let alone understanding it other than not
    only my rights, but theirs as well, were be trampled upon by the 

        do you have any friends like that? 

        --to you, that is a loaded question which  probably should 
    been framed as '...do you have any friends?'  

            but I shall give you the benefit of the doubt.

        dimitri (in the diminutive), go sniff a few flowers to counter
    your rank stench of incivility.  go wander the boardwalk as an
    obscure soul.  lighten up; the glass of water we ALL drink from
    is still at least half-full, not half-empty.  sometimes life does
    give free refills.

  "The only natural criminal class in America, the U.S. Congress"
        --Mark Twain

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