Utah as a Religious Police State

Paul S. Penrod furballs at netcom.com
Thu Oct 3 04:29:28 PDT 1996

On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> Ryan Russell/SYBASE writes:
> > I guess that depends on your definition of liberty.  The Mormons
> > originally moved there to have a place to practice their religion,
> > and have freedom from persecution.  I suppose one could extend that
> > to wanting a place to have the freedom to have a set of rules consistant
> > with their beliefs.  Should that include freedom from interferance from
> > folks such as yourself who want to change their rules, even though
> > you're not presently effected?
> It's worth noting that one of Utah mormons favorite pastimes was to ambush
> the settlers heading for California, kill them all, and take their property.
> However the mormons were dealt with much less severely than the local Indians
> who tried the same tricks. Pity.

Ah yes, the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I was wondering when you might 
trot that little bit of revisionist history out for display. BTW, its 
your revison of history, not the way it was recorded by many other 
sources, including first hand accounts by people who had witnessed the 
whole affair and recorded it in their journals, some of which made it to 
the National Archives and was researched almost 8 years ago in order to 
raise a monument to those mem and women who were felled there courtesy of 
a miscommunication, a late communication and the US Calvary.

You might want to read a *real* historical account of what actually 
happened before sounding off and leading the rest of us to believe you 
are a graduate of the Leon Panneta Fact Reporting School of Spin Doctoring.


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