Ve know you have relatives in Germany

James A. Donald jamesd at
Thu Oct 3 02:30:21 PDT 1996

Recollect all those World War II propoganda movies where 
the evil Nazi would sneer:
"Ve know you have relatives in ze Fatherland"

According Scientific American (page 40, october 1996, 
an early version of a proposed German web control law 
would require operators of "media services" to provide 
German authorities with the name of a german resident 
who would be "subject to unlimited criminal liabilities".

The Scientific American commentator predicted a low
rate of compliance.

We have the right to defend ourselves	|
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   jamesd at

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