Hurray! A good example of rational thinking ...

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Wed Nov 27 16:48:16 PST 1996


In <199611272000.MAA18790 at>, on 11/27/96 at 04:00 PM,
   Ernest Hua <hua at> said:

>> From: Robin Whittle
>> > Dorthy Denning is a boot-licking fasicist!!!
>> It may be emotionally satisfying to rail against (what for us may be
>> evident as) the wickedness and stupidity of our opponents.
>> [SNIP]
>> If we nod our heads to "Dorthy Denning is a boot-licking fasicist!!!"
>> then we too are succumbing to groupthink.

>I must commend Robin for a well-said comment.

>It is truly counter-productive to insist on conspiracy theories and
>anti-government rhetoric.  Sure, there have been conspiracies in the
>past.  Sure, there have been more than our fair share of atrocities.

>However, the real issues are privacy, security, freedom of speech, and
>effective policy enforcement.  When we start calling names like "jack
>booted thugs" and the like, we are sinking to the same low levels that
>Freeh and (more appropriately) Gorelick use when they cry wolf and
>foretell futuristic electronic meltdowns.

>More importantly, while the public is cynical and skeptical, it isn't
>exactly embracing the right-wing militia movements either.  It would
>be a great disservice to the cause if cypherpunks were, in the minds
>of the public, tightly associated with the likes of Timothy McVey.

Not at all. We need more people shouting from the mountain tops at what are governments
are doing.

We are not as free as we were 10yrs ago. We are not as free as we were 100yrs ago. Hell we
are not as free as we were under King George over 200yrs. ago!!

The issue of cryptology is only one area of attack on our freedoms. Just one small piece
in the Big Picture. Below are some of the some of the trends we have to look forward to:

National ID's:
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All citizens will be required to be registered with the state. The state will require any
changes in address.

The administration tried this once already with their failed "health care" plan.

Tracking of movement of all citizens:
- -------------------------------------

Experiments on this is going on right now with cellular phones that transmit location of
cars. (actually the phones just send out a signal and the receivers triangulate on them).

Also "alarm" systems that can be activated by police to transmit location of vehicles.
(same principal as above).

Display of documentation for all Public transport:
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The Airlines are just a start.

It should be noted that it is only a matter of time before travel permits are required.

Display of documentation for Employment:
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Got to get those nasty Illegals.

hmmm... How long before the right to work is considered a privilege?

Electronic Cash:
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Paper & Coin money will be eliminated. Everyone will have their Debit cards in which all
transactions will be recorded. This is currently being done with Credit Cards.

IMHO anonymous e-cash will not survive government control.

Automated Drift-Net Fishing of Phone conversations:
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With the continued advance in Voice Recognition the police forces will soon put this
technology to use. A prime example is the Fbi's request for the ability to tap 1% of all
lines. The FBI has nowhere the staff or budget to make use of this many taps. They only
way such a system is feasible is with automated systems searching for key words/phrases.

Federal Thought Crimes:
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Currently certain types of "political incorrect" speach are Illegal.

As distasteful as the word "Niggar" is I don't not consider it a crime to say it
regardless of how offensive it may be. Any while telling dirty jokes in front of one's
secretary may not be polite I don't consider that illegal either. Will doing either of
these will get you nailed on civil rights violations & sexual harassment charges.

Others are treated as illegal even if not formally so.

Bill Clinton after the Oklahoma bombings tried blaming "Rush Limbaugh" for the incident.
Rush's crime?? Being opposed to the political party in power at the time. 

Internet Drift-Net Fishing:
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Much simpler than the phone lines as everything is already in text (e-mail).

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In all the Clipper proposals from the government it has always been said that it would be
a voluntary system. This is the BIG LIE. For GAK to have a chance of working it must have
the following qualities:

1) Mandatory.

2) All other forms of encryption must be made illegal.

3) Must be global.

The administration is hard at work on #3 by putting pressure on its trading partners to go
the GAK way. #1 & #2 wouldn't be made public policy until the infrastructure is in place.
The EFF has recovered some documents through the Freedom of Information Act that state
just that (what wasn't blocked out).

Loss of property rights:
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A couple of months ago Bill Clinton by Presidential Order STOLE over 1 million acres of
land. This land contained some of the richest, low sulfur, coal fields in the country. 

Now you criticize me for not playing nice with people who either through deliberate
planning or ignorance aid and abet the above policies?? Sorry but I will not. I am not a
sheep & I will not lay down and be slaughtered.

Now I am not calling for out & out anarchy but neither will I support or condone those who
so blatantly disregard the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and basic human rights &

I was born a free man, in charge of my destiny, with inalienable right endowed by my
creator. I will not be made a slave of the state but will fight and die a free man.

- --
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William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    WebExplorer & Java Enhanced!!!
Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of PGPMR2 - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice

Look for MR/2 Tips & Rexx Scripts
Get Work Place Shell for Windows!!
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
Finger whgiii at for PGP Key and other info
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