paul at paul at
Thu Nov 21 09:43:31 PST 1996

> what are you, fat?

Maybe I am, maybe I`m not, at least I can honestly say I`m not a 
homophobic fuckup.

> you are now scheduled for termination as a result
> of this e-mail.  this is your last warning.

Termination? - give me a break you pre-pubescent "k00l HaKk1nG D0od"

> Hey you limey PUNK, you can not do SHIT!  If you get out of hand here,
> I will mailbomb you into SMITHERINES!  And kill your whole fucking
> site with fork-bombs if necessary.

Go ahead punk, make my day. As they say, your ass is grass and I`m 
the lawnmower. Your postmaster will be forwarded copies of any more 
abusive mail you send me and if, as I suspect, you are about 13 years 
old, I will tell your parents, now go on, shoo.

> Paul Bradley seemsw to be just another faggot suppporting the
> main Faggot, John Gilmore.

Learn how to spell and type. Once you have done that become educated 
as to why someones sexual orientation is their own business and 
nobody elses. Then in about 20 years return when you have something 
worthwhile to add to the discussion.

> A "punk" means you are a WIMP!

Oh no, I`m so depressed now. To think that being a cryptographer 
could mean that I couldn`t kick your scrawny ass. I have no interest 
in your aspersions being cast at my physical prowess. I believe I, 
along with the other members of the list have progressed beyond the 
neanderthal level of insulting and physically pounding people into 
submission. However, you are making me think about returning to this 
> I think it is about time for the Freedom Knights to
> just kick the fucking shit out of the cypherpunks list!

Yes, sure Mr. Grubor.
> This is your last warning, punk.

Oh no, was it, looks like I`m being mailbombed then.
> If you get out of line again, both you and your list
> will be terminated.

Yes, I knew it. Please, for the sake of all humanity get an education 
you pimply adolescent masturbator.

Good day to you. 

  Datacomms Technologies web authoring and data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: 5BBFAEB1
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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