Reputation based hiring (was REQUESTING INFORMATION)

Clay Olbon II clay.olbon at
Tue Nov 19 10:05:00 PST 1996

At 05:12 PM 11/19/96 -0200, George A. Stathis wrote (in part):

>Does your "unemployment list" include Doctor Dimitri Vulis? I'd be greatful
>to know this.
>Please, seriously now, and if you have such evidence (that
>Dimitri is 'lazy', 'stupid' or 'dishonest') send to me if you can...

I won't comment on who I will or won't hire.  I will state that I believe
that what a person posts is a relevant issue when it comes time to make a
hiring decision.  Hiring is based on many factors other than simply
technical ability. If someone thinks that another should not be hired for
whatever reason, I support their right to hold that belief and even to
publicize it.  

<rant against cypherpunks deleted>

I won't follow you into the gutter on this one.  That horse has been dead
for days (and it is beginning to smell really bad).


Clay Olbon			    olbon at
engineer, programmer, statistitian, etc.

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