Extreme Left/Right

Pat McCotter patm at connix.com
Tue Nov 19 01:07:50 PST 1996

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 20:10:53 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

:I always had trouble understanding what people meant when they used the 
:terms "extreme left" and "extreme right".  Then, about 4 months ago, I
:saw a guy define the "political spectrum" the way (he said) it used to be 
:defined before the definitions were corrupted (by whomever wants to 
:divide - and conquer - the people).  It made sense to me.  A spectrum 
:afterall, at least when we're talking about colors, starts with one type 
:of color and graduates to other, DIFFERENT colors.
:He defined the "political spectrum" as follows:
:< ------- LEFT                                                 RIGHT ------->
:            Monarchy      Oligarchy      Democracy      Republic      Anarchy
:Rule by:      ONE            FEW           MANY           LAW           NONE
:Examples:   Dictator,     Communist,      Lynch Mob     Constitutional
:            King          Fascist State                 Govt (US before
:                                                        1930's)

You forgot the property situation under each.

Anarchy: (IMO belongs left of monarchy, just to keep it mathematical)
           Ownership and distribution of product of ownership
              controlled by the strongest mob.

Monarchy:  Ownership by the one. Privileged few allowed to make use of

           Communist: No private ownership. Distribution of product by
              the state.
           Fascist: Private ownership allowed. Distribution of product
              by the state.

Democracy: Ownership and distribution by the loudest mob.

Republic:  Private ownership and private determination of
            (Major paradigm shift in governance - away from whims of
              one/few/many *people* to *objective laws*.) 
                  NOTE: Key word here is *objective* - not law. Whims
                        are subjective.

Pat McCotter
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