National Emergency

attila at attila at
Sat Nov 16 19:25:12 PST 1996

In <v03007800aeb2dc721dbf@[]>, on 11/15/96 
   at 06:59 PM, "Timothy C. May" <tcmay at> said:

:One of the things that most people don't appreciate is that these emergency
:orders are essentially never repealed. (Not too surprising--if I was in
:government, I wouldn't voluntarily give back any additional powers, either.
:And the only consituency for rolling them back is the membership of the
:evil militias, so nothing happens.)

        yes, you are absolutely right.  absolute power corrupts 
    absolutely and a government given (or taking) extra powers is not 
    likely to surrender same --they hope everyone forgets?

        maybe there is an analogy:

            militias:       the only way they'll take my weapon
                            is from my cooling, smoking hand....

            prez:           the only way they'll take my executive privileges
                            is to vote me out of office --IF I consent to leave.

    without arms they do not resist; 
        without communication they know not what to resist.

:Basically, this was one of the alphabet soup of Emergency Orders, National
:Security Decision Directives, and Executive Decisions passed or enacted
:(sometimes in secrecy) during the last 30 years of the Continuing Emergency.

:(Nixon's wage-price freezes, the oil embargo actions, the strategic
:reserves, the anti-inflation measures, various Carter emergencies, and
:various Reagan emergency orders, including NSDD-145, which directly affects
:control of communicaitons, cryptography, etc.)

:FEMA, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, took over several of these
:emergency orders (the running of them) in the late 70s.

:Standard stuff for we conspiracy buffs. One doesn't need to invoke
:historical groups like the Illuminati to see that the levers of power are
:pulled by strange folks.

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