Secrecy: My life as a nym. (Was: nym blown?)

amp at amp at
Wed Nov 13 21:16:08 PST 1996

> (Side note: Jim McCoy's suggestion that kids can be kept off the
> parental-unit's tax returns and thus not get a SS number is fraught with
> problems. Many schools--including public schools--use the SS number for
> various internal and tracking reasons. Even if the kid is free of SS
> numbers until he's a teenager--at a cost of thousands of dollars a year in
> IRS deductions not taken--he'll essentially have to have an SS number in
> his high school years, for a variety of reasons. Maybe this can be avoided,
> but I doubt the reward is worth the hassles.)
I recently enrolled my kid in school. On a form they asked what her SSn was. I just 
left the form blank. Later when they asked me about it, I asked if it was =required=, 
prepared to have them provide me with stautory citations. They said it was not 
required, but that they needed a way to keep records. I suggested they use her name. 
Since that wouldn't work with their computer, I suggested they make one up that fit 
the program.

Name: amp
E-mail: amp at
Date: 11/13/96
Time: 23:10:57

EARTH FIRST! We'll strip mine the other planets later.

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