allow me to state the obvious....

Mark M. markm at
Sat Nov 9 12:09:09 PST 1996


On Sat, 9 Nov 1996 SUCRUM22_at_INDY-ADP at wrote:

> i am your average joe who uses the computer for work and e-mail and the 
> occasional jaunt into the internet. going along reading this whole 
> crypto-anarchy thing makes me want to cry. the whole point of cryptography 
> is getting info from my eyes to yours. period. you can say that "illegal" 
> information passes along the internet, but hello people - illegalities have 
> been going on since long before the invention of the computer (or even the 
> notion of cryptography - if i may stop to point out the obvious).  the only 
> reason _i_ use encrypted stuff is because i don't want my nosy sysadmin 
> reading my mail.  its that simple.  think about it.  how many times is your 

Plain cryptography isn't the main point.  The protocols (such as anonymous
digital cash, message pools, DC-nets, etc.) allow things to exist that are
not possible without cryptography.  These protocols make laws (especially
victimless laws) much more difficult to enforce.

> e-mail handed off?  when sent it naturally follows the most convenient path 
> to its destination, and even anonymous re-mailers (can) keep a hard copy of 
> the messages that cross their connections with the original address 
> included.  you can go off into spoofing address and so on, but your average 
> joe may (or may not) have the time or knowledge (much less the motivation) 
> to do that.  keep that in mind before you go saying that crypto is a 
> good/bad thing. 

In order for anonymous remailers to be completely anonymous, only one remailer
in the chain has to be trustworthy.  If a message is chained through N
remailers and N-1 of those remailers are run by spooks, the anonymity of the
message depends on the remaining remailer.

- -- 
finger -l for PGP key
PGP encrypted mail prefered.

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