[NOISE] Censorship of Dr. Vulius

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Tue Nov 5 23:00:22 PST 1996

Cerridwyn Llewyellyn <ceridwyn at wolfenet.com> writes:
> I don't think anyone has argued that the owner of the list doesn't have the
> right to remove people from it.  However, simply because he has the right to
> doesn't mean he should, and it also doesn't mean other members can't or
> shouldn't argue that he made a bad decision (unless, of course, the dissentin
> members are removed as well.)  Many, if not most, members believe the list
> should be run in a non-authoritarian manner (whoever argued that the term
> authoritarian applies only to governments is wrong.  the difference is a pers
> has the right to act in an authoritarian manner over his own property whereas
> a government doesn't have that right over it's citizens.  Again, however,
> having
> the right doesn't necessarily make it "okay").

I wholeheartedly concur. I happen to own a lot of books. I disagree with a lot
that's said in those books. I have the right to burn my books, but I don't. :-)


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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