"Fortune" article on crypto

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Tue Nov 5 15:46:26 PST 1996

>(I avoid blather about how all it is useful for is to protect the
>democratic and privacy rights of citizen-units. That's comforting twaddle,
>popular with some journalists and some namby pamby privacy advocates. In
>fact, strong crypto is a tool for deconstructing and demolishing democratic
>institutions, which is why I support it. Obviously. Yes, I sometimes get
>concerned about the lives which will be affected, but, ultimately, the
>ubermensch must do what he must do, regardless of how some in the herd are

as usual, you skip the most interesting part. please elaborate on
why you are interested in "deconstructing and demolishing democratic
institutions". are you opposed ot democracy? do you support the 
constitution? it would be strange for you to say you agree with
the constitution but are opposed to democracy. apparently you
agree with anything that limits a government but nothing that
creates one? 

ok, so you've argued against police as a legitimate part of government
before as I recall (advocating, as other here, things like "private"
security forces etc.), so I won't get into that.

well, then, do you think there is a legitimate role for a legal system?

if not, how do you propose settling disputes in a civilized manner
other than "he with the biggest bazooka wins"?

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