Thank you, John Gilmore, for protecting freedom of speech against Dr. Dmitri Vulius [RANT]

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Sun Nov 3 00:28:03 PST 1996

John Anonymous MacDonald wrote:
> Thank you, John, for being so brave and protecting our freedom of
> on-topic speech. You are a true cypherpunk.
> Thank you, Timothy C May, for advancing cryptography by posting 100%
> crypto-relevant messages about loans to other countries and your
> collection of assault weapons.
> John and Timothy just made the cypherpunks list better.

I hate to butt in (and if you believe that....), but, you'll notice (as in anti-gun and
other people-protecting legislation) that it didn't accomplish much, since "Doctor" 
Vulis gets his stuff out to the list anyway.

Ironic how the list championed flooding Germany(?) with material in response to their
suppression of certain "objectionable" material, then gets into this sticky wicket.

But there's probably a logical reason for taking this "action", although it can
apparently be easily circumvented, even though many of us don't understand what
that logic could be.

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