[NOISE] Re: Thank you, John Gilmore, for protecting freedom of speech against Dr. Dmitri Vulius

darius at hotliquid.com darius at hotliquid.com
Sat Nov 2 12:38:37 PST 1996

On Sat, 2 Nov 1996 06:45:54 -0800 John Anonymous MacDonald 
<nobody at cypherpunks.ca> wrote:

 > Thank you, John, for being 
so brave and protecting our freedom of
> on-topic speech. You are a true cypherpunk.
> Thank you, Timothy C May, for advancing cryptography by posting 100%
> crypto-relevant messages about loans to other countries and your
> collection of assault weapons.
> John and Timothy just made the cypherpunks list better.

Well, here's the wonderful thing about cypherpunks.  It's 
a privately run list.  There isn't freedom to flame 
wantonly, there isn't a 'right to insult'  Vulius has 
plagued this list for quite some time.  I'm glad he's 
been removed.

We return you to your regularly scheduled on-topic posts.

darius at hotliquid.com

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