MixMaster fair use

Wed May 22 20:12:21 PDT 1996

From:	IN%"loki at infonex.com" 22-MAY-1996 03:43:54.45

>It is patent on RSA, which expires in 2000 as I remember. It can be
>licensed, but it is not cheap. I don't know how they would handle a free
>program which people pay to use.

	Do they allow non-profit usage? If so, you could send out a new version
that supported ecash payments, with an agreement not to use it for profit. I'd
call building up a reserve against legal fees a justifiable action for a
non-profit organization (if the interest went back into the same account or
toward operating the remailer), but IANAL. Could someone who is comment,
preferably after looking over the RSA license?

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