Why does the state still stand:

Thu May 16 01:17:32 PDT 1996

From:	IN%"hfinney at shell.portal.com"  "Hal" 15-MAY-1996 00:14:06.38

>I think the intention then is to create "fully anonymous" companies.
>These would be organizations whose principals and employees are known
>only by pseudonyms, even to each other.  Their only contact is
>electronic, via an anonymous network.  And the employees are paid in
>anonymous ecash, which they don't pay taxes on since it is unreported

	The anonymous network would appear to be a possible weak point. If
governments keep shutting down remailers and other such devices, then it won't
work. Therefore, I've been doing some preliminary work in this area. My first
result is as follows.
        One subject that has come up recently is that of remailer operations
in countries outside the United States, so as to chain them to produce
jurisdictional headaches. The following is a preliminary list of companies and
organizations that might be used to run an out-of-US remailer, assuming
telnetting to a UNIX shell. In selecting these, I generally excluded: ones in
authoritarian countries (e.g., China and Singapore); ones that appear to be
government-run; ones where they didn't appear to understand English very well;
ones in the European Community (except for a few such as Malta that don't
cooperate very well with the European Community); ones that charge for mail
volume; and ones that stated they did not run shell accounts. I did not
include offshore.com.ai in Anguilla due to its high cost; I consider anything
over 25$ a month to be impractical.

_Country/Area_  _Name_                          _Email_
Anguilla        Cable & Wireless                webmaster at candw.com.ai
Antigua         Cable & Wireless                scholla at candw.ag
Barbados        CaribSurf                       webmaster at caribsurf.com
Denmark         cybernet.dk                     info at cybernet.dk
Finland         Clinet Ltd                      clinet at clinet.fi
Finland         Net People Ltd                  helpdesk at netppl.fi
Finland         Xgateway Finland Ltd*           pal at xgw.fi
Iceland         Multimedia Consumer Services    mmedia at mmedia.is
Isle of Man     Advanced Systems Consultants**  info at advsys.co.uk
Jamaica         InfoChannel                     icquery at infochan.com
Liechtenstein   Ping Services                   afink at ping.ch
Liechtenstein   Online Store AG                 webmaster at onlinestore.com
Malaysia        MIMOS                           mal at mimos.my
Malta           maltaNET                        info at maltanet.omnes.net
Sweden          FX AB                           fx at uni-x.se
Sweden          Internet One**                  Support at one.se
Sweden          Kajplats 305                    info at kajen.malmo.se

* = This organization has on its main page a link to a document called the
"Declaration of an Independent Internet." It thus may be possible to persuade
them to support a remailer at reduced or no charge as part of this.

** = This organization's main page has the EFF blue ribbon, unlike others.

        I would appreciate comment on all aspects of this list. These include:
additional companies and countries to add; companies or countries to take off
(international politics & law is not my subject); and suggestions about where to
look for more (it is quite possible that I did not locate all the lists of
out-of-US ISPs).
	Once I have some feedback on which ones to check with, I'll email them
and ask about prices (in US dollars), further information on policies,

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