Why Americans feel no compulsion to learn foreign languages

Dr. Dimitri Vulis dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sun Mar 31 04:01:50 PST 1996

jamesd at echeque.com writes:
> A foreign language is useful only when there are large numbers of
> folk around who speak *one* *particular* foreign language, and these
> folk have knowledge and skills and power and wealth, for example
> if you are close neighbor of Germany or France.

Why do you suppose people study Latin or Sanskrit or classical Greek?

> Americans feel no compulsion to learn foreign languages because
> the only time they need a foreign language is spanish to
> negotiate with whores.

It's interesting to note that while Tim speaks Spanish to gardeners,
James speaks Spanish to whores. Can't blame him, considering what
American women must be like where he lives. :-)


Dr. Dimitri Vulis
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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